Books of the Week for Your Consideration: Sherrard’s eBook Resellers Newsletter Editor Russell Sherrard Sherrard’s eBook Resellers Subscribe to Our Newsletter
Author: sherrard
Joke of the Week: Those Kids Said WHAT?! 28 Hilarious Real-Life Teacher Stories
Send to Kindle“True terror is to wake up one morning and discover that your high school class is running the country.” A lot of teachers can relate to Kurt Vonnegut’s quote. From kindergarten to senior year, they’ve seen it all. So we recently asked members of this heroic profession to share their stories about the… Continue reading Joke of the Week: Those Kids Said WHAT?! 28 Hilarious Real-Life Teacher Stories
Publish Your Own Ebook by Amin Sadak
Send to Kindle In my case, I publish ebooks for money – the number 1 motivation behind all ebooks on the internet today. But do you even know how to start? Do you have any idea about the topic you want to write about? How about the actual compilation of the ebook? What about marketing… Continue reading Publish Your Own Ebook by Amin Sadak
Weekly Trivia Contest: Animals
Each week we will ask a trivia question in a subject of my choosing. The first person to send in the correct answer to russellsherrard at reagan dot com will receive a free ebook from my 4,000+ item Web Store! If you think you have the right answer, go to browse our inventory… Continue reading Weekly Trivia Contest: Animals
Inspirational Monday: Gems from Pastor Jim by Jim Hughes
Ps. 37:23 The steps of the godly are directed by the LORD. He delights in every detail of their lives. The steps of the godly are directed by the Lord. The Lord does not watch over those who are not His own. They do not escape His notice, but they are not taken… Continue reading Inspirational Monday: Gems from Pastor Jim by Jim Hughes
Books of the Week by Russell Sherrard
Joke of the Week: The Smell of Delta
Each Week we will post a Joke. We cannot be serious or all-business-all-the time. We have to have a little levity in our lives. Delta Airlines is infusing its cabins with a lavender-and-chamomile scent called Calm. A better name to match would be “the ambience of the packed economy cabin.” “Eau the Humanity” “Giorgio’s… Continue reading Joke of the Week: The Smell of Delta
Rating the eBook Compilers by Zaak OConan
Send to Kindle Now that you’ve finished writing your eBook and have a basic understanding of what an eBook compiler does, you may be feeling overwhelmed by the number of compilers on the market. To help you make your decision, I have tested and reviewed the best-rated eBook compilers currently available. * E-ditor This software has… Continue reading Rating the eBook Compilers by Zaak OConan
Weekly Trivia Contest: Animals
Each week we will ask a trivia question in a subject of my choosing. The first person to send in the correct answer to russellsherrard at reagan dot com will receive a free ebook from my 4,000+ item Web Store! We did not have a winner last week. No one was able to… Continue reading Weekly Trivia Contest: Animals
Inspirational Monday: Gems from Pastor Jim by Jim Hughes
Ps. 37:23 The steps of the godly are directed by the LORD. He delights in every detail of their lives. The steps of the godly are directed by the Lord. The Lord does not watch over those who are not His own. They do not escape His notice, but they are not taken… Continue reading Inspirational Monday: Gems from Pastor Jim by Jim Hughes