Editor’s Note: This interview was conducted over a year ago. Some of the information may have been updated from that interview.
Our interview today is with Dana Pratola. Thank you Dana for being here today and for agreeing to do this interview.
Answer: Well, I’m a Christian, love romance and believe that the supernatural world is as real as this one, and would like to show that through my work.
Question: Tell us about things you enjoy — what you do for fun or personal satisfaction?
Answer: I clean my house for personal satisfaction, lol. For enjoyment, I watch movies – mostly old (pre-1970). I love musicals. But I LOVE the new Star Trek movies and am hoping for many more 😀 Outdoors, I love to walk in the woods with my husband Robert, and on special occasions I go horseback riding.
Question: Tell us about working with any people who help you create your books — Do you use Beta readers? Hire an editor or proofreader? How do you get your covers?
Answer: Thank God for Beta Readers! When the book is almost done I send it out to several people, but I have two or three close friends that edit for me, and starting with this book, Suzanne D. Williams did my cover. What a blessing she is, and a talented writer as well as cover designer and photographer.
Question: Tell us about your newest book. Make us want to read it.
Answer: Sebastian is the 2nd in the DESCENDED series, about a womanizing angelic with the power to read emotions (among others). He meets Natalie, a former stripper, who launches him into a dangerous situation that escalates from saving a friend’s life, to trying to rescue a bus load of under-age girls from a fate worse than death – sexual slavery.
Naturally, the MCs are hot, and attracted to one another, but they have a lot of internal issues to accept and work through before they can consider getting involved. Example: He’s a tramp and she’s taken a vow of celibacy 😉
Answer: I didn’t know this would be the case when I first started writing, but my message in each book has been consistent – God isn’t mad at us and we don’t have to get our act together before we go to Him, He wants us NOW, just as we are, and He’ll work the rest out. He has a plan for everyone, so He can certainly handle our situation, whatever it is.
Question: Tell us one place you want to visit, or person you want to meet, and why.
Answer: I’ve always wanted to visit Italy and Ireland. I know they’re beautiful (can’t fake that many postcards, lol), but they seem ethereal, magical, like when you’re there, there is only a thin veil between the past and present, between reality and fantasy.
Question: Share something that’s amazing, touching, or that makes you angry.
Answer: I’m amazed by both good and bad things. Every day I see or hear something that makes me say, wow, God is awesome. Then there are those times I’m amazed by how mean people can be. I can’t conceive of a mind that would purposely hurt a child, or an animal. And then I think, thank God I can’t connect with someone like that. Makes me feel better about myself.
Question: What’s the worst trouble you ever had with getting a book written (plots, finding needed information, getting a cover done)?
Answer: UGH! This last book (Sebastian) has run me through the wringer, lol. I’ve never faced more road-blocks and obstacles to getting a book finished. This time I’m going to go into it more prayerfully and be more diligent with my time.
Answer: I’m working on several but the two I’m mainly focusing on is one for my publisher – as yet untitled, and the other is DESCENDED~Aaro, book three in the series. Can’t wait to get deeper into the story and see what happens!
(Editors’ Note: To read the book release of AARO go here http://goo.gl/597PJn )
Question: What are your future projects?
Answer: I have a line of heroes waiting to meet their heroines, LOL. So many story lines and different types of characters to create and weave. It’s a very exciting time for me.
On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DanaPratolaAuthor
On Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/danapratola
Web Site: http://www.danapratola.webs.com
On Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/danapratola
REVIEWS: Sebastian doesn’t have any yet 🙁
DESCENDED`Jett – ***** I wasn’t sure what to expect when I started this book, but I soon learned that Ms. Pratola’s story was going to keep me coming back for more. I truly had important things to do, but instead, kept picking up my phone to read “just one more chapter.” The romance between Jett and Haven was pretty intense and sparks were flying hot and heavy between them. The side story of Jett’s war against white slavery sets the tone a little darker than most romances but was definitely intriguing as he fought physical battles against evil men, mental battles with himself, and a spiritual battle with God. I don’t want to give anything away but I wouldn’t mind my husband having one or two of his special powers:)
THE COVERING – ***** Just finished “The Covering” and was blown away. Couldn’t put it down. This story has some of the most well-handled sexual tension I’ve ever read in a Christian novel. The characters are realistic and you feel their emotions as they struggle through their journey. I can’t wait to read Dana’s next book.
About the Author:
God has blessed me with a wonderful husband and three dynamic children, all of whom are destined to make wide, colorful splashes in this world. We share our New Jersey home with three dogs. I have no hobbies to speak of, unless you include writing. I don’t.
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