by Russell Sherrard
There are many things that go into bringing a book or ebook from an idea to being published. And we must admit most authors do not do all of these well. I have been formatting eBooks for the Kindle since 2009 and through that experience I have come to know how things should be done and have made contact with the many experts in the industry to get other things done. Realizing this need I decided to put together a site where all authors can come and get the best service possible through my own efforts as well as experts in their respective fields.
The Following is a list of services I offer:
Kindle eBook Formatting
PDF Creation
Linked Table of Contents
Twitter and Facebook Marketing
Submit Your URL to 873+ Search Engines
Book Cover Design
Line Editing/Proofreading
Blog Administration
Free Services
If you want to get started on any of these services or have any questions please contact us at russellsherrard at reagan dot com so we can get started on your project right away.