Author Support Services is the Authors Place to Get Help. This is my effort to help my fellow authors. If you follow me on twitter https://twitter.com/sherrardsebooks you may have seen some of my tweets that I have started tweeting. I have created a web page at http://goo.gl/bGDpvV
Some of the services I offer are:
Need your manuscript professionally formatted for the #Kindle?
.mobi This involves formatting an eBook for the Kindle and its various apps. Your input can be text, Word, or html and I can convert those formats to a nicely formatted Kindle eBook. All content must be the way you want it before formatting. If it has images within the eBook the images must be the way you want them to appear in the eBook. I am not a graphics editor. $50 to $75 depending upon complexity.
PDF – Do you need a PDF of your eBook? This format allows you to give a free review copy to get reviews of your book. You can also sell this format on your web site. This comes free with all formatting customers.
I can create a Linked Table of Contents for your eBook. $5.
Do you need a PDF of your manuscript to give out as review copies?
This comes FREE with all Formatting customers but If you want one without being a formatting customer it is $25.
Twitter Marketing for your book or eBook (three plans)
I will tweet out your ebook/book every day for 1 month for $1/day. I have 3,400+ followers on Twitter.
I will tweet one of your ebook/book 5 times in one day for $5. If you want more than one day it is $5 per day.
Ongoing basis – 4-5 tweets 5 times a day for a month – $45… and you can order more than one month.
Facebook Marketing for your book or eBook
I will post about your ebook/book to 21 of the more popular reader/writer groups for $1/day. More than 1 day available.
I will submit your web site URL up to 873 search engines. Number of sites submitted to will depend on Category chosen. I will supply a report of sites submitted to and sites not submitted to and the reason for not being submitted. $10 for one submission. Multiple submissions available at $10 p/day.
Need a cover for your book or ebook?
I can do covers for both eBooks and print books. The price of a single cover is $50 for an ebook. For a print/ebook package including banner, Facebook cover and bookmark/rack card the price is $150.
Line Editing suggestions for improving story, plot, characters. look for spelling, grammar, punctuation
We make suggestions for improving story, plot, characters. We look for spelling, grammar, punctuation, continuity. $20 for 10,000 words. So for 100,000 words it would be $200.
Free Services – If you have a book release, want to do an Author Interview, or Character Interview, my blog is available for this free of charge. For the Author Interview, I have a set of 20 questions but you only have to answer 10 that you are most comfortable with. You can also include your author pic, any images of your books, any reviews that you are especially proud of, and any contact information. For the Character Interview you provide the questions and answers. For the book release, please provide your info and we will take it from there.
eMail me at russellsherrard at reagan dot com and ask questions and tell us how we can help you.