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Featured Book of the Week
Saved then Lost? Saved but Warned? Never Saved?
Understanding the Warnings in Hebrews

Can salvation be lost?
Are Christians eternally secure in Christ?
The warnings of the Book of Hebrews can cause Christians to ponder these and other questions regarding their salvation and security. But as frightening as these warnings may be to some, God uses them to exhort believers onto perseverance in their walk with the Lord. He also uses the Hebrew warnings for unbelievers to not reject God’s offer of salvation through faith in Christ.
Spurgeon’s Morning and Evening Devotionals Podcast – Listen live at 6am Pacific and 6pm Pacific. Visit http://anchor.fm/russell-sherrard any other time to listen to all of our episodes. Now on EDIFI.APP. Download at GooglePlay or AppleStore to start listening.
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