Here’s how to get your books published on Kindle through Amazon Kindle to help you enter the exciting market of electronic books on Kindle readers. Now you can publish and sell your stories, how-to books, and poetry books on Kindle for free! It won’t cost you a penny upfront to have your books available to all Kindle users in a matter of hours.
The first step you must take to begin the process is to create an account with Kindle uses the same credentials your account has, so if you don’t have an account with them, definitely set one up. If you do have an account, ensure all of your information is up to date before you start publishing on Kindle.
Sign into your Kindle Direct Publishing account from your homepage at Once you are logged in, you will notice an alert in the upper right of your screen. You will need to click the alert in order to publish a book. This is where you will add your company profile, tax information, and payment information in order to receive payments through Amazon.
There are a variety of formats you can use to get your books published on Kindle. Supported formats include zipped HTML (.zip), word (.doc), Adobe PDF (.pdf), ePub (.epub), plain text (.txt), and MobiPocket (.mobi and.prc). MS Word 2007.docx file format is not supported, but files can easily be converted to earlier versions to correct compatibility issues. If you are going to publish your work in HTML format (which is highly recommended and the preferred method of getting published), be sure to understand all of the supported HTML tags. If you have no images to add to your story, there is no need to zip your file.
Creating your book is very simple if you plan on getting your books published on Kindle using the Mobipocket Creator. This eBook publishing program allows you to import from most of the formats described earlier and converts them to a.prc file, the file that you will upload into the Kindle Directory on Amazon.
As any good publisher, you must now review how your book will be viewed by your readers. There is nothing more embarrassing than publishing a book that is all messed up, especially if someone pays for it. To view your new eBook before it has been uploaded, use a Kindle Reader to view your Kindle eBook the way it will be viewed by your readers. If there are any problems on any of the pages or the formatting doesn’t seem right, you can rework your publication until everything is perfect. Once your eBook is ready, upload your final file to the Kindle Directory. This is where you will set up the price for your eBook.
The price for your book is either going to help sell your book or it can hurt overall sales. You don’t want to price your book too high or no one will buy it. There are too many free eBooks and very inexpensive eBooks on Kindle, so you want to provide a price that is reasonable for what you are selling.
There are two options you can choose for your royalty payout. You will most likely choose the 70 percent option, but there is a 35 percent option available. For a better understanding of how pricing works, please read Kindle’s Pricing Page FAQ in Amazon.
Your eBooks publishing efforts on Kindle will be available about two to three days after you upload it to the directory. Once you verify your eBook is available and published on Kindle, be sure to tell all of your friends and family how to find it so they can purchase and download it to their Kindle Reader Device.
Now it is time to market your newly published eBook. If you don’t spread the word about your published work, no one will ever find it. Learn more about marketing a kindle book to see how you can get the most exposure for your Kindle eBook.
Jason W. Moser is a master niche website developer and fiction writer from Chesapeake, Virginia. Many niche areas interest him, but his most powerful influence is his contribution of information to the fiction writing and publishing niche.
Visit his site Write and Publish Fiction to if you are looking for information, tools, and resources regarding fiction writing, publishing, and marketing.
He has self-published one fiction novel, 25 articles, 8 self-help/how-to books, and hundreds of web pages full of informational content related to the fiction writing and publishing market.