An incredible literary accomplishment! A modern masterpiece! Ark of Rest by Jimmy Garland is a heartfelt insightful MUST READ for any who wonder what might precede the end times spoken of in Scripture. Beginning with the times we are living in, the author shows us how the rapture might occur as he weaves our 12st century technologies and way of life, the reality of rural America, the FBI Special Cult Unit, science fiction, biblical prophecy, and personal choices made by those who believe in themselves and those who know and trust God. This astounding wordsmith takes the reader on a never imagined journey where people who chose to either believe in themselves or Gods only anointed Messiah, Jesus deal with events as they unfold leading them to their final, eternal destination!
Where other authors have shown a possible fulfillment of the end time prophetic Scriptures in such notable works as the Left Behind Series, Pastor Garland’s masterpiece, not only shows a uniquely spirit-filled view of the rapture, but while looking back in anguish, the non-believer experiences ever increasing agony over choices he wished he could undo, the faithful Pastor looks back at his life and faith failures in horror but instead of hearing condemnation sees how God used those situations to draw people to himself.
About the Author of Ark of Rest:
Jimmy A. Garland is the middle child of five. He grew up in the North Georgia Mountains on a small farm.
“As a child I struggled at school. My siblings made good grades, and I struggled to pass. I was called lazy, stupid, and a dreamer as I battled to spell and write. When my parents bragged about the other siblings’ intelligence, they would turn to me and say, ‘Well, Jimmy has common sense.’
“In the second grade, I jumped from reading children’s books to novels. My older brother finished a fiction chapter book, and I begged the school librarian to let me read it next. James and the Giant Peach took me to an amazing world of imagination. I never looked back as a hunger grew that could only be fed by being immersed in a book. In High School, I passed English each year during the Literature half of the class mostly by oral participation.
“In elementary school, I got into a lot of trouble for having to sharpen my pencil. As an adult, I learned that when I broke a pencil’s lead, I misspelled words. Today, I am so thankful for the word processor’s spellchecker with the results of no broken pencils.
“While attending Bible College, I realized I struggled with a writing disability. I could read and understand very well, but to put things on paper was agony. The letters and words got scrambled, and I never got out the communication I desired.
“The writing of Ark of Rest was a personal challenge to accomplish the impossible. The idea for this book grew during my seminary days as I studied various Bible doctrines and read fiction to entertain my mind.”
Jimmy has earned a Bachelor of Arts from Clear Creek Baptist Bible College and a Master of Arts and Master of Divinity from Liberty University.
With his wife, Vanessa, he has served as pastor of churches in Kentucky, Virginia and Georgia since 1998. They have one son, a daughter-in-law and two cats.
About the Author of the Review:
As the wife of Pastor Ron Michelson, Paula Rose Michelson, who is also is a field missionary with Chosen People Ministries, a writer of Messianic Bible studies and stories, I must share that this novel about an important topic was so well written that I gifted my husband a kindle download. I look forward to the discussions we will continue to have long after the book has been read.