This Captivating Enthralling Magical Medieval Fantasy is a MUST READ!
Entering abruptly into a stressful reality, the prologue read so much like a part of the fiction that only upon seeing “Chapter One” did; I realize I hadn’t been where I thought I was! And knowing Y.I. Lee books are like this, I dove into the read and couldn’t gobble the words up fast enough for the author juxtaposes tension artfully and seamlessly as the author wove reality and allegory into a fantasy beyond any I have read since finishing my read of Y. I. Lee’s “Through a Glass”, which was the first book in this saga.
Here, I found myself simultaneously at odds than righted as the story wove its magic around my heart while transporting me to a place so real that it rivaled any fiction fantasy set in Medieval times because I felt I was there. There is so much to praise about this book, but not wanting to not spoil the book for others, I will focuses on the subplot of intrigue and deception that ensnares an unwitting innocent and kills the sister of our hero, who is also the sister of the villain. Aghast at what has transpired the villain must blame another. And herein he seals his doom. However, restitution of the unwitting servant shows that God is Lord, though the Prince, upon marrying his true love, will become King.
For Christian’s who love stories within stories this is a must read yet so well done that Y. I. Lee has again left me wanting more, and as an author of fiction, I do not say this lightly, for I seldom read other fiction authors work unless I know it will take me where this authors work does. Well done indeed, author Y. I. Lee! I eagerly await the next book in your amazing saga!
About the Author:
Yvonne was born in Swindon Wiltshire, the eldest of three children.
From a young age her greatest joy, was to curl up with a good book. And over time she naturally progressed into writing.
At the age of ten, she ambitiously attempted her first novel, but quickly gave up. However, the seed was planted. And in the coming years, in between a successful singing career, she continued to put pen to paper.
Yvonne’s genre is Y/A Fantasy. ‘The Shadowed Valley’ her first book was published Sept 29 2011.
Followed by ‘A Rat and a Ransom,’ published 23 Jan 2012.
Her third novel ‘Through a Glass’ is in the process of being re-edited, and is due to be published in Oct 2012.
Yvonne lives in Warwickshire with her husband Keith.