Bravo, Joyce Mitchell for this masterfully written thought provoking work, which I recommend to all! Using impressionable teenagers this drama is filled with passion, compassion, a heroine, a hero, and shows us the confusion many believers face about whether or not their salvation was really real. Through her fiction, the author shows us the paradox of the Christian faith as each teen grapples with the questions of doubt, fear and faith concerning this issue.
Neither preachy or teachy, the author sets the stage for us to choose to self-examine, pray, beseech, rejoice, praise, or praise.
About the Author of the Book:
♥Joyce Mitchell has written several books for both children and adults:
Selfish Little Bob, Selfish No More! The ‘Fishy’ Adventures of Gus, Toby and TooToo (series-Big Tales 1-4) Just Little Old Me, Goldie and Garth (Books 1&2), Thanks Lil Ren, TooToo Goes on a Field Trip, Toby the Trout:Lil Sister Tippy, Telling Time with Dinosaurs, Snowman’s Noggin and Neck Award, HOPE, Unheard Cries:Rock Store Rebel, Petals from the Past
♥Rock Store Rebel is her debut novel (5* Readers Favorite)HOPE (5* Readers Favorite)
♥She lives with her husband in west central Georgia.
♥Please visit her @ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/joyce.l.mitchell.3
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/Joyce5577
WordPress Blog: http://rockstorejoycebooks.wordpress.com/
About the Author of the Review:
As a Messianic Jew, I wanted to write about life, love, choices, and forgiveness. I researched what befell the Jews baptized into the Catholic faith to survive the Inquisition. When I began writing, Naomi started talking to me.
Though her story is unique, Naomi’s issues of fear and hiding are universal. Having an extensive background in recovery as a Chemical Dependency – Lifestyle Disorder Councilor, worked with The Rubicon Center, and founded LAMB Ministries in 1988 to mentor women suffering from trauma and abuse, I know the issues Naomi has are those seen in anyone who is masking their real pain. That is why six inspirational romances were written, three of which have been published.
I continue to mentor women like Naomi the way God mentored me, and recently published my first of seven Christian Self-Help books stemming from this work. My joy in having had an issue ladened life until Christ freed me is that it equipped me to write books and articles to encourage and show God’s mercy, love and forgiveness.