by Russell Sherrard
I am forming an additional feature for Christian Nonfiction/Fiction Books … A Prayer Request Board. I looked at multiple groups on Facebook that billed themselves as prayer request groups and the biggest thing I saw was that the group was overwhelmed with nothing but prayer requests, sometimes as many as thousands and both you and I know some of them and to a degree a lot of them will fall through the cracks. I have set up a special email address, prayer_requests@sherrardsebookresellers.com. Please send your prayer request to this email address. Any prayer request that is posted to the group will be deleted. I don’t want the group to be overwhelmed with prayer requests and overrun the stated purpose of the group to discuss, promote and share your Clean Christian Nonfiction/Fiction Books and eBooks. Each week I will post in this announcement the prayer requests received in the last week. This way all group members can see all of the prayer requests and pray over one or more. These requests will remain in this space for one week at which time another group of prayer requests will be posted. So, Starting now, please send your prayer requests to prayer_requests@sherrardsebookresellers.com and starting next Saturday I will post the prayer requests from the previous week. In addition, This announcement will form a blog post that will be posted on Saturdays so this blog post will get to SherrardseBookResellers Newsletter which has mostly different eyes than this group has.
Inspirational Image of the Day
Spurgeon’s Morning and Evening Devotionals Podcast – Listen live at 6am Pacific and 6pm Pacific. Visit http://anchor.fm/russell-sherrard any other time to listen to all of our episodes. Now Available on EDIFI.APP Download from GooglePlay and AppleStore and start listening.
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