by Russell Sherrard
Sherrard’s eBook Resellers http://www.sherrardsebookresellers.com/ is an online eBook Store that has 4,000+ eBooks and digital items. Some of the eBooks have Resell or Private Label Rights which means you can make changes, enhance it and rebrand the items and make them your own to sell. You own the rights!
There is a wide range of categories (57) to choose from. Here is a sampling of the most popular categories:
- Affiliate Marketing (43 eBooks) https://goo.gl/yEYnRk
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- Content Marketing (28 eBooks) https://goo.gl/XF46Bc
- eCourses (37 eBooks) https://goo.gl/YFyE4v
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- Web Development & Design (64 eBooks) https://goo.gl/ip22JV
- WordPress (77 eBooks) https://goo.gl/7EW6cw
Most items are only $1.00 but I have the ability to add my own books and they are found in the Religion & Spirituality Category and they are the same price which are found on Amazon.
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