by Russell Sherrard
Sherrard’s eBook Resellers http://www.sherrardsebookresellers.com/ is an online eBook Store that has 4,000+ eBooks and digital items. Some of the eBooks have Resell or Private Label Rights which means you can make changes, enhance it and rebrand the items and make them your own to sell. You own the rights!
There is a wide range of categories (57) to choose from. I have included my books in the Religion and Spirituality Category. Read and enjoy:
Religion & Spirituality (93 eBooks) https://goo.gl/EkWpci
Genesis: Book of Beginnings https://goo.gl/l6N7bo
Exodus:The Departure From Egypt https://goo.gl/L24GJS
Leviticus:Keep My Decrees & Follow Them https://goo.gl/RUfE1x
Numbers:The Census of the People https://goo.gl/ReRuf2
Matthew:Jesus The Fulfillment of the OT https://goo.gl/3DhaeG
Genesis: Book of Beginnings Paperback https://goo.gl/bGnrVF
Interactive Romans Road American Standard Version http://amzn.to/1tvFwC7
Interactive Romans Road King James Version http://amzn.to/1Y359aO
Interactive Romans Road World English Version http://amzn.to/265Zkh0
Words of Jesus Bible American Standard Version http://amzn.to/1UINgHm
Words of Jesus Bible King James Version http://amzn.to/1UhEPTB
Words of Jesus Bible Literal Translation Version http://amzn.to/26bACbF
Words of Jesus Bible World English Version http://amzn.to/1Qe42C1
Holy Bible American Standard Version http://amzn.to/1UEMr6u
Holy Bible King James Version http://amzn.to/1tvFiL8
Holy Bible World English Version http://amzn.to/1ScT6yA
One Year Bible American Standard Version http://amzn.to/1ScSwB4
One Year Bible King James Version http://amzn.to/1UhF0hG
One Year Bible World English Version http://amzn.to/1tvEYvV
Spurgeon’s Morning and Evening Devotional http://amzn.to/1UIMTwq
The Life of Charles Haddon Spurgeon http://amzn.to/1UEPbRa
Treasury of #David http://amzn.to/1UIN6Qe
Most items are only $1.00 but the Religion & Spirituality Category has my books at the same price as are on Amazon.
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