Book Release: Letsi and the Labyrinth by Cynthia P. Willow

Letsi and the Labyrinth Letsi and the Labyrinth Kindle edition is on sale for 99 cents for a very limited time.  Blurb: Fourteen-year-old Letsi wants to know why the labyrinth is forbidden. Tragedy forces her to move in with her wealthy aunt, where the labyrinth consumes her thoughts and gives her hope for… Continue reading Book Release: Letsi and the Labyrinth by Cynthia P. Willow

10 Questions with Cindee Pruitt Bumpus aka Cynthia P. Willow

Our interview today is with Cindee Pruitt Bumpus aka Cynthia P. Willow. Thank you Cindee for being here today and for agreeing to do this interview. Question: What do you think prepared you or qualifies you to write in your chosen genre? Answer: Ever since I was a small child, I’ve been full… Continue reading 10 Questions with Cindee Pruitt Bumpus aka Cynthia P. Willow