by Bible League International
Narrated by Artificial Intelligence, Eric,
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Do not grieve, because the joy of the Lord is your strength. – Nehemiah 8:10 NIV
My grandfather was a lifelong Baptist preacher. He began his ministerial career at age 18 and preached his last sermon at 83. I wish you could have known him! Reverend Forrest Hicks was the epitome of dignity and intelligence. He wrote numerous books and earned a doctorate in theology. His sermons were intensely profound; one would almost have to attain equivalent academic achievement simply to understand his weekly messages. He studied the Word of God daily and spent hours in prayer. His entire life was above reproach in every way! I only wish that he could have demonstrated the joy that comes with being a child of God.
I’ll never forget this perfect example. I was only 4 years old during a summer visit to my grandparent’s house. One Sunday morning, my grandmother and I sat on the front pew of their small rural Baptist church. Before services started, I turned around in the pew, facing the rest of the congregation. Of course, everyone knew who I was, the pastor’s grandson! They waved at me, so naturally I grinned and waved back. Much to my shock, my grandmother swatted me hard on the thigh and sternly said, “Don’t smile! You’re in church!” She meant it, too.
Over the years, I have noticed that many otherwise wonderful Christians have no joy! They are either overwhelmed with the concerns of this world or have been taught that Christianity means ‘sadness.’ What a shame! The Spirit of God is a power and a blessing from Jesus Christ! Nehemiah 8:10 says, “Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.” Realize that the Holy Spirit of God resides in you! He has ultimate authority, ultimate ability, and ultimate love. That should give us all a reason to dance.
From a skeptic’s perspective, what would make Christianity appealing? If they don’t notice extraordinary excitement or a countenance of victory in our lives, we have little chance of winning them with our words. Let me extend this challenge: for the rest of the month, remain overtly conscious of how you demonstrate the presence of Jesus Christ in your life. Smile wider, greet others with enthusiasm, and put some spring in your step. If anyone asks why you are in such a great mood, tell them that the love of Jesus fills your heart. Let the joy of the Lord be your strength!