September 21st, 2023
But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the ages for our glory – 1 Corinthians 2:7 NKJV
The Apostle Paul, in his letter here, sees himself as commissioned to teach the wisdom of God. He preaches a different wisdom than what we commonly call wisdom. What is wisdom? In what way is the wisdom to which Paul refers a different kind of wisdom? And how would the wisdom taught by Paul be better?
When we speak of wisdom, it usually relates to intelligence, judgement, common sense, prudence, knowledge, and science. Someone is considered superior to ordinary people by their sum of knowledge, experience, expertise, or ability.
But the wisdom Paul teaches is different because it is the “wisdom of God.” It is, therefore, the science of God, the intelligence, the judgement, the good sense of God! It is all that forms the glory of God. The wisdom that Paul preaches is all the glory of God in His works.
This wisdom was hidden, kept secret, and God revealed it in through Jesus. Jesus is the wisdom of God, the science of God. All God’s works are works of His wisdom, including Jesus Christ our Lord.
Receiving Jesus is receiving the wisdom of God. Living the Christian life is to live in the wisdom of God, in the knowledge of God. Let us be taught by the wisdom of God. Let us receive instruction from the wisdom of God so that we become wise, not from the perspective of the world, but from God’s. Thus, we will be fit for all good works!
Inspirational Image of the Day