November 18, 2021
Our verses for today are a part of one of the visions from the Apostle John’s book of Revelation. It is a vision of the people of God standing before the throne of God and before Jesus Christ after the second coming of Jesus, referred to in Revelation 6:17 as “The great day for their anger.” Among other things, the vision depicts the fulfillment of Jesus’ prophecy recorded in Acts 1:8 that His disciples “will tell people everywhere about me—in Jerusalem, in the rest of Judea, in Samaria, and in every part of the world.”
The vision obviously pictures the fulfillment of the prophecy because it depicts a great multitude “from every nation, tribe, race of people, and language of the earth.” The message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ had not been limited to the people of Jerusalem, or Judea, or Samaria, but had been preached to the people of the whole world. The great multitude is the fruit of the Gospel message and they are depicted as standing before God and Jesus shouting words of victory and praise.
Later in the verse and in the next verse, the multitude had palm branches in their hands. We are immediately reminded of the day Jesus was honored with palm branches upon His entry into Jerusalem a few days before His crucifixion. This is the day Christians remember and celebrate every year as Palm Sunday. Palm branches are an ancient symbol of triumph and victory. One might say that the people in the vision are celebrating the fulfilment of Palm Sunday, the ultimate victory and triumph of God and Jesus. Their victory, of course, is victory over Satan, his fallen angelic forces, and the people of earth they have control over.
If you are a Christian, then your participation in the spread of the Gospel adds to this great multitude. If you are a Christian, then you yourself will be a member of this great multitude.
Inspirational Image of the Day