by Bible League International
Verse of the Day and Devotion
I will be your God throughout your lifetime-until your hair is white with age. I made you, and I will care for you. I will carry you along and save you. – Isaiah 46:4 NLT
It’s true, I must confess, the Lord has been my God throughout my lifetime. He cared for me and carried me along from the day I was born. He had a plan for my life and He made sure that I was able to fulfill the plan. (Jeremiah 29:11) It’s also true, I freely admit, that there have been times when I deviated from His plan for me. Thinking I knew best, I struck out on my own and got myself in a lot of trouble. Even then, nevertheless, the Lord cared for me and carried me along. He led me back to the plan and He helped me to get there.
That, however, was then. That was in the days long gone. What about now? The years have begun to pile up. My hair is turning white. I’m not what I used to be. Will God still care for me and carry me along now? Do I still figure into His plans, or have I reached the end of what He can do with me? After all, this side of glory, death is still a factor to be reckoned with. As I approach the end of my days, will the Lord’s care and concern for me wind down? Will the limits of His plans and purposes for me be reached?
Our verse for today has the answer. Nothing changes. The Lord has been my God throughout my lifetime and that won’t stop just because my hair is turning white. He made me and He’ll still care for me. He’ll help me deal with the special issues of this stage of life and carry me along. I won’t stop being a factor in life. The psalmist says, ‘”Even in old age they will still produce fruit; they will remain vital and green. They will declare, “The Lord is just! He is my rock! There is no evil in him!”‘ (Psalm 92:14-15)
That’s a promise worth holding on to. That’s what I believe will happen to me. I’m going to stay vital and green right to the end. I’m going to produce fruit until the day I go to glory.