March 16th, 2023
In First Timothy, the Apostle Paul is summarizing the Good News. Jesus came into the world to save sinners and no sinner, not even Paul, is beyond His saving power. He didn’t come merely to show us how to live a better life or to challenge us to be better people. Jesus came to offer us salvation that leads to eternal life.
There is a story that The London Times posed a question to readers at the turn of the twentieth century, What’s wrong with the world?
That’s quite the question, isn’t it? Someone might quickly respond, “Well, how much time do you have for me to tell you?” And that would be fair, as there seems to be so much that’s wrong with our world. As the story goes, The Times received a number of responses, but one in particular has endured in its brief brilliance. The English writer, poet, and philosopher G. K. Chesterton penned this four-word response, a refreshing surprise: “Dear Sirs, I am.”
Whether the story is factual or not is up for debate. But that response? It’s nothing but true. Long before Chesterton came along, there was Paul. Far from a model citizen, Paul confessed his past shortcomings. “I was once a blasphemer and a persecutor and a violent man” (v. 13). After naming who Jesus came to save, sinners, he goes on to make a very Chesterton-like qualification: “of whom I am the worst” (v. 15). Paul knew exactly what was and is wrong with the world. And further, he knew the only hope of making things right: “the grace of our Lord” (v. 14).
Further, Paul realized that through his salvation, others could see the hope found in Christ. Because God saved Paul, “others [would] realize that they, too, can believe in [God] and receive eternal life” (1 Timothy 1:16 ). God had us in mind when He saved Paul—an amazing thought! Paul makes it clear that if Jesus could save and use him, the worst of sinners, then no one is beyond God’s mercy and saving grace. What an amazing reality! This enduring truth lifts our eyes to the light of Christ’s saving love.
Inspirational Image of the Day