March 24th, 2022
Our verse of the days says that God accepted Abel and his gift, but he did not accept Cain and his offering. What does this mean? Does God prefer animal offerings rather than offerings that came from plants or fruits? Was God being unfair to Cain?
In the big cities of Indonesia, you can find many street beggars. Sometimes, they approach you to ask for money, and if you feel led you can give them some. This can be called a donation, which is different than an offering. A donation is giving some type of help, whether money, food, or things people need. We usually donate to people who are having a rough time, to people who need our help.
I think an offering is different. An offering is something you give to a person that you consider higher than you. You give out of respect and even submission. The amount might be the same, but the mentality is different.
Cain brought some of the food he grew. I believe that this is the issue. He was giving to God half-heartedly. He didn’t give to God with a right heart and attitude. What about Abel? While Abel also brought some animals from his flock, he chose the best sheep and brought the best parts from them.
Our verse of the day also say that God accepted Abel and then his gift. The Lord accepted the person first. He accepted the attitude, the heart of the person, then the gift.
Cain was rejected not because of his gift, but because of his heart. God knows our hearts and He wants us to be wholeheartedly for Him. He doesn’t want us to be half-heartedly living for Him. He wants all of us.
By Thony Ronaldo, Bible League International partner, Indonesia
Inspirational Image of the Day