Verse of the Day and Devotional 6/16/2022

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Verse of the DayJune 16th, 2022


God said, “You can do it because I will be with you. This will be the proof that I am sending you: After you lead the people out of Egypt, you will come and worship me on this mountain.“ – Exodus 3:12 ERV


Do you ever struggle to understand why God put you where you are today? If you find yourself feeling this way, you are not alone.

So often we feel inadequate in our roles. It’s hard to see why God has placed us in these spots, especially when we feel others seem a better fit. We get down on ourselves, make excuses as to why we’re not the right person for the job, and lose sight of God’s design for us.

When we have these feelings, we are in good company. In Exodus, Moses didn’t feel like the right man for the job God called him to do. But just as God was with Moses, He is always by our side speaking truth into our doubts and showing us that with His help, we are more than capable.

The day God appeared to Moses in the burning bush, Moses was certain he wasn’t the man God wanted or needed to help save the Israelites from the oppression of the Egyptians. In five instances in Exodus 3:11-14 and Exodus 4:1-17, we see him persistently tell God, “I’m not good enough…there must be someone else.“ But each time Moses speaks a doubt or an excuse or outright pleads with God to pick someone else, the Lord reassures him that he is more than able with God.

God knew Moses’ doubts, questions, and fears. And instead of allowing Moses to use them as an excuse, the Lord used them to show His power to work through Moses. Even with Moses’ lack of confidence and anxiety, God saw his potential. In the end, the 80-year-old man who pleaded with God to send anyone else went on to speak boldly against Pharaoh and to lead God’s chosen people out of slavery towards the Promised Land.

Today, you may feel inadequate. You might be saying, “Lord, please choose someone else. I can’t do it.“ But you are more than capable in God’s hands. He will take on your fears and doubts. He will use you in your current role to make a difference in small and big ways.

Inspirational Image of the Day

Thursday Image
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