June 9th, 2022
Dear friend, if you have a Bible, you are blessed. Open and read it. According to our verse today, God’s Word is living, active, and sharper than any two-edged sword. It was written by God using human authors to convey His holiness, love, and truth throughout the generations. When Jesus was tempted by the devil, He responded, “It is written, man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God” (Matthew 4:4).
Satan has tried to destroy God’s Word, but the Word of God endures forever (Isaiah 40:8). One such example is in the life and death of great theologian William Tyndale. On October 6, 1536, Tyndale was hung on a stake, strangled, and burned alive. His crime for such a horrific death was translating the Bible into English. It’s reported that when the translators of the King James Version produced their Bible in 1611, they relied heavily on Tyndale’s wording. It is humbling to recall these faithful saints who were martyred for the cause of Christ. God is faithful to preserve His Word to reach a lost and dying world.
The Bible is radical and transformational. We encounter history, poetry, wisdom, law, sin, grace, salvation, redemption, sanctification, prophecy, and more. We discover a Creator who pursues His creation all the way to a cross. We meet a Savior who suffered, beyond human understanding, as a perfect sacrifice for our sin. We are assured of a Redeemer who is coming back for His bride, the Church. We also see the judgement of God for those not under the saving grace of Jesus Christ.
Reading devotionals, books, and listening to sermons can be wonderful tools to help us grow in our faith journey, but they can never replace the truth and intimacy found in the Word of God. We will be spiritually weak and lack discernment apart from God’s Word.
God speaks to us in numerous ways including nature, circumstances, and people, but His voice is most clearly revealed through His Holy Word. We can easily be deceived when we are not studying the Scriptures for ourselves. It is essential that we do not take Scripture out of context, but read the text, chapter, and book to gain understanding. We need the full counsel of God to shine His light in our heart as we meditate on His words. The Bible empowers us with truth and hope to stand against the deceptions of this present darkness and live a godly life.
God’s Word has the power to shred our pride as it exposes our thoughts and motivations of our heart. The conviction of God’s Word leads to comfort and hope when we turn to Him. The Holy Spirit directs us in wisdom and understanding as we humbly obey. The Bible is not always easy to digest, but it is always truthful, and always eternally best for those who believe. The Bible is God’s revelation to know Him and to walk in His ways.
Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path (Psalm 119:105). Why not read Psalm 119 right now? I shall do the same. Praise God for His Word!
Inspirational Image of the Day