August 25th, 2022
I struggle with wanting to be understood. Don’t we all? Don’t we all wish we could find that person who just gets us? I think most of us dream of finding someone who empathizes with our struggles and validates our emotions. We look for that moment of vulnerability where we pour out our deepest emotions and have someone say, “I get it! I feel the exact same way!”
But we’re never going to find the person who understands every moment, every situation, every emotion we go through. No one lives the same experiences with the same viewpoint as us. And because of that, life can feel pretty lonely.
Thankfully, Jesus gets it. Jesus gets us.
God chose to send His Son to live a human life, to be born as we are, to grow as we do, and to experience this broken world as we do. The choice to send Jesus as a baby was a choice to give us an ally, an advocate, someone who can speak on our behalf because he understands our issues. He gave us a Savior who can empathize with us.
Jesus felt betrayal when Judas sold him out. He felt physical pain when they crucified Him. He felt sadness when Lazarus died. He felt anger when He flipped the tables in the temple. He felt temptation when the enemy tried to trick him. He felt the desperation of painful obedience when He cried out in the garden.
He felt it all. And now He meets us there to be with us in the midst of our emotions. There’s nothing more comforting than an understanding ear, and we have that in our Savior.
This year has been lonely and difficult for all of us. I pray that you’ve found comfort in the Lord, in our understanding Savior. As we move into 2021, continue to confide in Him. Continue to rest in Him. Continue to trust in Him. He hears you, He understands, and He wants to meet you right where you are.
Inspirational Image of the Day