I will tweet your Christian Book on my Twitter site for $5
About This Gig
Our Twitter account has over 2700 Followers.
In this gig, I will post your book or ebook 5 times throughout the day for one day. You can get the one day but I will accept multiple days. As a bonus, I will post your tweet on a twitter exchange which will make your tweet eligible to be retweeted by the groups 900+ members.
Must be clean (have no profanity or sex); Your cover must be family friendly (no vampires, no zombies, and no erotica) and have a Christian (nondenominational) worldview.
Must be listed at Amazon for the price you describe on the date you request.
We reserve the right to reject any gig for a full refund.
**We will not promote any item other than an ebook or book that is available directly from Amazon. We will use only our affiliate link and no other link. Any questions, please ask. Thank you.
I will create a linked TOC for your Christian eBook for $5
About This Gig
I have Office2016 which makes it easy to create the linked Table of Contents using Hyperlinks and Bookmarks
In this gig, I will create a linked Table of Contents. A linked TOC allows you to click in the TOC and go to a bookmarked location in the document
Must be a Christian eBook and the cover must be family friendly (no vampires, no zombies, and no erotica) and have a Christian (nondenominational) worldview
We reserve the right to reject any gig for a full refund
I will submit your Web Site URL up to 873 search engines for $5
About this Gig
In this gig I will submit your web site URL up to 873 search engines
Number of sites submitted to will depend on Category chosen. I will supply a report of sites submitted to and sites not submitted to and the reason for not being submitted
All sites are acceptable as long as they are family friendly which means I will not submit erotica or porno sites or anything illegal
We reserve the right to reject any gig for a full refund.