by Jim Hughes
Matt. 12:11,12 And he answered, “If you had one sheep, and it fell into a well on the Sabbath, wouldn’t you get to work and pull it out? Of course you would. And how much more valuable is a person than a sheep! Yes, it is right to do good on the Sabbath.”
I have always been careful on how I handle the Lord’s Day. There are a lot of differences in our opinions on what we can and cannot do in it. Each of us must let the Lord guide us in this. What concerns me the most is that for many of us, the Lord’s Day is not looked upon as being any different than any other day of the week. We have no qualms about what we do. We fill it with so much activity that we are ill-prepared to begin another work week. We don’t let our bodies or souls rest long enough to be refreshed. We don’t give much thought to honoring the Lord or letting the Lord’s Day be a day of worship and rest. In fact, many of us aren’t bothered much at all if we don’t even make it to church to worship Him.
You have to let the Lord guide you in this, but I would challenge you to at least take into consideration what the Lord says in His Word about remembering the Sabbath Day and keeping it holy. Regardless of which day you choose to set aside in your week for a day of rest and worship, it is clear to me that the Lord requires that we do it. To not have a Lord’s Day in our week is an act of disobedience. It is sin.
Jesus said that it is okay to do good on the Sabbath. He does not say that we can do anything we want to do. We need to carefully consider the good that we do or don’t do. If what you do serves no good eternal purpose, then I challenge you to wait before the Lord about it and let His Spirit guide you as to whether or not you should continue to do what you do.
You have to let the Lord guide you in this, but I would challenge you to at least take this into consideration. If we don’t give our souls time to refocus on the Lord and appreciate the life He gives us to live, we will dry up and wither away in our faith. We need to set aside a day to be renewed in our souls through praise, thanksgiving, and meditation on His Word.
About the Author:
Spending his formative years in Ft. Wayne, IN, Jim followed the love of his life to southeast Iowa where they married and have spent the majority of their lives. Jim has pastored several churches throughout his life and has worked many years in local factories to help support his family. The father of two married adult children and one son still at home, Jim is a first-time author.
C Through Marriage came into being through many years of pastoral and life experiences. The book first took on a life of its own over 20 years ago when I sought to address the much publicized moral failures of prominent leaders in the church. In the chapter on Chasity, I include the guideliness that I developed then to protect one’s self from such failures.
I am a firm believer in order to make sense out of life you have to use much common sense. We need to get back to the basics of what has worked for many, many generations. If is isn’t broke, why try to fix it? I strive to return to the basics of what really works in all my writings.