by Jim Hughes,
Narrated by Artificial Intelligence, Eric,
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Psalm 127:3 Children are a gift from the LORD; they are a reward from him.
Throughout history, children have had mixed reviews. History records how children have often been treated no better than animals, sometimes even worse. Children have often been regarded as a problem for those who have birthed them. They have often been victimized, abused, and discarded as if they didn’t exist. In most places in the world today, nothing has changed.
Adults lord it over their children. They have little regard for the humanness of their children. They don’t care about their feelings or thought processes. They force their wills on their children. They use their power and authority over them and care very little about the affect it has on them. Children are considered by many to be a liability and measures are taken to keep them even from existing.
But God does not see children as so many do. Children are a gift from the Lord. Each child is precious in the Lord’s sight. God puts His imprint on each child’s life. Each child is created by God for a purpose. God has a plan for each life. God loves each child dearly and it grieves His heart when man thwarts His plans. I believe there will be great punishment on Judgment Day for those who mistreat and snuff out the lives of children.
Your life is precious in the Lord’s sight. Dear child, the Lord loves you. He created you in your mother’s womb to be just who you are. He brought you into the world with purpose and has very special plans for you. The Lord wants to lavish on you His love. He wants you to know just how special you are to Him. The Lord wants to bless you and keep you for His own for all of eternity. Oh, dear friend, do not believe the lies of Satan and others about you. You are a precious gift from God. You are special and dearly loved by Him. Your life is not an accident. God created you and longs to have eternal fellowship with you.
Children are a reward, not a curse, for the righteous. We have our children in our lives for such a short period of time. Each child should be lavished with love and cared for carefully. The Lord entrusts you with the opportunity to bring them up in the Lord. He considers you dependable and believes in your ability to prepare your children for life. Teach your children the ways of the Lord by the things you say and do and when they will never be able to get away from them.
About the Author:
Spending his formative years in Fort Wayne, Indiana, Jim followed the love of his life to southeast Iowa where they married and have spent the majority of their lives. Jim has pastored several churches throughout his life and has worked many years in local factories to help support his family. The father of two married adult children and one son still at home, Jim is a first-time author.
C Through Marriage came into being through many years of pastoral and life experiences. The book first took on a life of its own over 20 years ago when I sought to address the much publicized moral failures of prominent leaders in the church. In the chapter on Chastity, I include the guideliness that I developed then to protect one’s self from such failures.
I am a firm believer in order to make sense out of life you have to use much common sense. We need to get back to the basics of what has worked for many, many generations. If it isn’t broke, why try to fix it? I strive to return to the basics of what really works in all my writings.
As a fellow-preacher of the Gospel, he knew better than any layman how to interpret the hidden springs of success to count the cost of Herculean efforts made, and better, understand the great man’s life-work in all its thousands of minute details which he, as an intimate personal friend had the opportunity to observe.
Like Spurgeon, he has the power to earn and raise large sums of money, but he devotes every dollar beyond a reasonable living expense to the cause he has so much at heart. His remarkable line of work, also, in many ways corresponds with that of Spurgeon,
The similarity in the work of the English Spurgeon and the American Conwell has often been commented upon by press and people. Spurgeon made, and Conwell is making, a complete sacrifice of talents, time and health to the one aim in life-the salvation of souls. Each commenced life a poor boy, and had an early life fraught with discouragements and temptations.
The author’s grand work for the Grace Baptist Church, of Philadelphia, has justly distinguished him as the greatest preacher of his denomination in this country. He was a student at Yale College, and graduated in the Law Department of Albany University and was admitted to the New York bar in 1865. His health not permitting the practice of law, he began as traveling correspondent of the Boston Traveler and the New York Tribune, during which his constant companion and warmest friend was Bayard Taylor, with who he traveled all over the world, and obtained distinction as a journalist.
In addition to the pastorate of a church which has one of the most remarkable houses of worship in the world, open every hour of every day and night in the year, and is never untenanted, Dr. Conwell is the head of Temple College, connected with the church fostered by him, which is for the free education of working-men and women in the classic collegiate branches, with fourteen professors, a preparatory department that sends pupils to Yale, Harvard and Amherst, and giving itself decrees equal to those of Princeton. He is the head of the Samaritan Hospital, also an outgrowth of his personal effort and example, which is doing incalculable good in Philadelphia.
In addition. to his church work, Dr. Conwell lectures all over the United States, to large and delighted audiences.
He is also a prolific author, The most important of his works are a ” Life of Garfield,” which he wrote at the home of the martyred President, in Mentor; “Why and How the Chinese Immigrate,” the material for which he gathered in the Chinese Empire Life of Hon. James G. Blaine,” Life of Bayard Taylor,” and “Acres of Diamonds,” each of which has been appreciatively read by thousands of readers in this and other countries.