Weekly Devotional: Gems From Pastor Jim 12/28/2020

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by Jim Hughes

CrossAmos 8:11-12 “The time is surely coming,” says the Sovereign LORD, “when I will send a famine on the land—not a famine of bread or water, but of hearing the words of the LORD. People will stagger everywhere from sea to sea, searching for the word of the LORD, running here and going there, but they will not find it.”

The time is coming when there will be a famine on the land for hearing the Word of God. I believe that we are moving close to a famine right now. We live in a time where the Word of God is for the most part available to all. With the technology now in place, one can access God’s Word quickly and easily. Yet, just because it’s available doesn’t mean it’s being accessed. People are growing up with very little, if any, knowledge of the Bible. Wherever you go, you will find people ignorant regarding what the Bible says.

There are many churches today where the Bible is not used or even welcomed. As outrageous as it may seem, it is true. The Bible is considered to be archaic and unreliable. It comes under great scrutiny and is not taken seriously. Many church leaders rarely have a personal knowledge of, or appreciation for the Word of God. When the Bible is used, it is used to promote personal agendas. It is taken apart and out of context. In many church circles, the Scriptures are no longer taken literally. There is a real famine in the church today for the Word of God as God gave it.

People are staggering around, groping for meaning and purpose in life. They may be deeply involved in church life and spiritual activities, but they are starving to death. They are not finding life worth the living for; they have lost their way and don’t know how to find their way back. As a result, anything and everything seems to go in the name of Christ.

We must diligently protect God’s Word in us and in our churches. We cannot take a lackadaisical attitude about this. We must preach and teach only the Word of God in our churches and homes. We must insist on basing our faith on the Word of God instead of our activities. We must let the Word penetrate deep within our souls and captivate our minds. We must stand unwaveringly on the truth that the Bible IS the authoritative Word of God. Don’t starve your soul to death like so many do. God said what He meant and means what He said; strive to always live it.

About the Author:

Jim Hughes

Spending his formative years in Ft. Wayne, IN, Jim followed the love of his life to southeast Iowa where they married and have spent the majority of their lives. Jim has pastored several churches throughout his life and has worked many years in local factories to help support his family. The father of two married adult children and one son still at home, Jim is a first-time author.

C Through Marriage came into being through many years of pastoral and life experiences. The book first took on a life of its own over 20 years ago when I sought to address the much publicized moral failures of prominent leaders in the church. In the chaper on Chasity, I include the guideliness that I developed then to protect one’s self from such failures.

I am a firm believer in order to make sense out of life you have to use much common sense. We need to get back to the basics of what has worked for many, many generations. If is isn’t broke, why try to fix it? I strive to return to the basics of what really works in all my writings.

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