Back Cover Blurb:
This is the last week in Staci Schofield’s life. Her birthday is on Monday, which is also the day she plans to die. Poetic, seeing as her mother disappeared on the night of her own birthday. But when a popular guy from school, Rush, befriends Staci, will her plans change?
Rush sees demons clinging to Staci and nothing has worked so far to help her. What will make a difference in her life? A friend, an intercessor? How do you help someone move from ‘take my life’ to ‘Lord, preserve me’?
Quick Excerpt:
It was easier to hope for death than for life. Death was quick, easy, permanent. Life expected too much. Too many moments, hours, and days. They stretched out like the threat of unending pain and torture. Why should I care? Why should I want to care? My God, to live with myself that long, to struggle with doubts of my own sanity, always with the feeling of impending doom and overanalyzing each thought for signs of Mom’s illness. Dad would probably feel relief, in the end.
God. What of God? Where was He? This Jesus they had talked about at Grace Youth. Wow, they were really gung-ho about Him.
I laughed aloud but suddenly sobered. The wind picked up and blew my hair across my eyes. I heard a whisper. Was it my name on the wind?
99 Cents on Kindle and Nook
Buy Links:
Amazon: http://amzn.com/B00EXAH2O0
Barnes & Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/all-the-angels-stood-laura-j-marshall/1116812282?ean=2940148806158
Laura J. Marshall is a full-time mom of five boys. When not on active duty, she is the best-selling author of The Battle Cry Devotional series and inspirational fiction. She operates a popular blog called The Old Stone Wall which hosts and promotes Christian and clean books and encourages interaction between authors and readers. See more at http://www.LauraJMarshall.com