Our interview today is with Ginny Hamlin. Thank you for being here today and for agreeing to do this interview.
Answer: My husband and I have a blended family with five adult children and eight grandchildren. We live in Southern California where we enjoy the beach, desert, and mountains. As a full time author I’m blessed with frequent opportunities to spend time with the grandchildren. I also care for my mother, who lives with us and is battling breast cancer stage-four. My mother and I agree that the best thing that’s come from her cancer diagnosis is her relationship with Jesus Christ. She invited Jesus into her life at age seventy-two. As a family, we attend Harvest Christian Fellowship Church in Riverside, pastored by Greg Laurie. As for my writing life being hindered by my personal life, the Lord has ordered my priorities—God first. I try (with the help of the Holy Spirit) to live by Matthew 6:33. But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. (KJV) I have been writing for many years and the road has had its ups and downs, but God has been my teacher and inspiration for every manuscript written since I began my walk with Him. The Lord has been my mentor, writing professor, and storyline inspiration. Second only to the Lord in providing encouragement are: My husband, who I often refer to as my greatest supporter this side of heaven, family, and others who are dear to me. These key people have encouraged me throughout my writing journey to keep putting one foot in front of the other.
Question: Tell us about working with any people who help you create your books — Do you use Beta readers? Hire an editor or proofreader? How do you get your covers?
Answer: I’ve been a member of ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers) for over six years and participate in critique groups as well as one-on-one critiques with authors whose relationship with the Lord I respect and writing I admire.
A cover has not been decided for my debut novel Marriage Takes Three, which is scheduled for release April 02, 2014. I’m prayerful about what God would like the cover to convey. I make notes and ask for confirmation through unity in the spirit with my husband, who is a visual creative. I believe I have an answer to my prayers and I look forward to discussing it with my publisher in the not too distant future.
Question: Tell us about your newest book. Make us want to read it.
Answer: Marriage Takes Three is a story about a woman, Darla Connor, who is struggling with whether to stay in her troubled marriage or walk away. Maintaining a long distance friendship with an old sweetheart isn’t making the decision easier, especially when that sweetheart, now a famous country music star, declares his love for her, even though she is married. Darla Connor’s husband, Randall Connor, is a recovering alcoholic and wants to heal his broken marriage. As a new believer, he is counting on God to help him. When Darla rejects his ultimatum to sever ties with her old boyfriend, he’s in for the battle of his life. Jack Collins, the protagonist, feels Darla is the only woman who truly loves him for who he is, and not the well-known country music artist he’s become. Jack’s goal is to give Darla everything her heart desires, but first he must get her to divorce Randall. Darla is at a precipice. Will she follow promises of ‘better to come’ with Jack, or if she will she surrender to God in time to save her marriage?
Question: What is the “message” of your writing? (For example, is your purpose to encourage old-fashioned values, encourage romance, or do you have different purposes in different books?)
Answer: I hope my novels will be a bridge for discussion in real life about relationship issues. Dysfunction doesn’t destroy relationships; dysfunction that is not dealt with destroys relationships. The stories I write reflect the restorative power of Jesus Christ.
Question: What’s your next project? Tell us so we can’t wait for it to come out!
Answer: My next project is about a Christian woman battling love addiction. *Romans 7:15 is the thread woven throughout the story. I believe many will empathize with the character; at one time or another we all do things we don’t want to do.
*Romans 7:15 For that which I do I allow not: for what I would, that do I not; but what I hate, that do I. Everything is at stake for this character, including her relationship with God. (KJV)
Question: How many books do you have out?
Answer: My debut novel, Marriage Takes Three, is schedule for release April 02, 2014. Chalfont House Publishing/HopeSprings books.
Question: What are your future projects?
Answer: My novels are about broken marriages and the restorative power of Jesus Christ in those relationships. The stories stem from personal experiences and working in lay ministry as a member of my church. My characters encounter the natural consequences of addiction to: Alcohol, drugs, and sexual immorality.
Question: Are their characters/stories/scenes/etc based on anything in real life?
Answer: Each of my stories has a bit of real life in them. Yes, even the protagonists in varying degrees are from personal relationships…and on that admission, I plead the fifth. 😉
Question: What is your favorite book/character?
Answer: My favorite book besides the obvious answer, the Bible, is by author Larry McMurtry, Terms of Endearment. My favorite character in his novel hands down is, Aurora Greenway. This “endearing” character stirred many emotions in me.
Question: What is your writing style?
Answer: I write Women’s Fiction with a focus on marriage, which is done by the seat of my pants—also known as a “Pantser.” For me the simplest definition of a “seat of my pants” writer is one who allows the characters to reveal who they are and the author follows their lead. Since I’m a seat of the pants writer many of my ideas for a story often begin with the title. A good case in point is my debut novel, Marriage Takes Three.
Contact information:
Chalfont House Publishing/ HopeSprings Books
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