Our interview today is with Lorieen D. Henry. Thank you Lorieen for being here today and for agreeing to do this interview.
Answer: 2 Corinthians 3:5
It is not that we think we are qualified to do anything on our own. Our qualification comes from God. God qualifies me to encourage as well as inspire others.
Question: Tell us about things you enjoy — what you do for fun or personal satisfaction?
Answer: My personal satisfaction comes from encouraging others and spending time with my family. Maintaining a safe and secure environment for my family is the best gift that I can give them.
Question: Tell us about your newest book. Make us want to read it.
Answer: No doubt we all have struggles and life is not always a bowl full of cherries, but with God, we are more than conquerors in Christ and all things are possible with Him. There’s one requirement, we must give Him our mess so that He may fix it. Stop holding on to mess! I walk you through my mess to my miracle, but I do it with you in mind. It is my goal to encourage, inspire and give hope to you as you walk out your own journey. Know that in all things, God Completes!
Answer: My message is to encourage readers to finish the race realizing that anything that begins, continues and ends with God cannot fail. God Completes!
Question: Tell us one place you want to visit, or person you want to meet, and why.
Answer: I had the opportunity to visit Hawaii as a 19 year old walk-on on the University of Southern Mississippi basketball team. After that experience, I realized I wanted to go back one day with my husband. Hawaii was beautiful and peaceful! I regard it as a little piece of heaven on earth and who better to share it with than the man God blessed me with, my husband.
Question: Share something that makes you laugh, with just plain humor, or happiness, or because it’s so stupid.
Answer: The one thing that consistently gets a laugh out of me and never gets old is when my 4 year old daughter kisses me on my stomach and says, “Mama remember when I was a little baby and I was swimming around in there”.
Question: Share something that’s amazing, touching, or that makes you angry.
Answer: I become angry when I see people mistreat one another. We are all gifts from God that should be cherished and celebrated.
Question: What’s your next project? Tell us so we can’t wait for it to come out!
Answer: I’m currently working on a book titled Marriage: Take It or Leave It. I’m inspired by my marriage as I celebrate 10 years of marriage on January 1st. I’m going to share some truths that some Christians don’t want to admit. Hint: Stop being boring! Study your mate! If short skirts turn his head, get some for your bedroom.lol Keep it holy, but keep it HOT!
Question: What are your future projects?
Answer: You can look for my 4th title: “Seasoned for this Season” in December 2014. It will encourage readers to make their dreams reality. In January 2014, I will begin working on my Masters in Secondary Education as well as a Christian Life Coach Certification.
Question: What is your writing style?
Answer: Here is my professional writing process outlined:
Step 1: Write everything I want to write, everything that’s on my heart.
Step 2: Pray about everything I wrote asking God for guidance. The Holy Spirit is the best editor!
Step 4: Lift my work before the Lord as an offering.
Step 5: Have my work professionally edited.
Step 6: Read my work again to ensure the message that God wants delivered was not lost.
Step 7: Wait for God’s sign to proceed with publishing.
Lorieen D. Henry
Facebook Fan Page: https://www.facebook.com/lorieenhenry
Good reads: http://www.goodreads.com/user/show/10107080-lorieen-henry
About. Me: http://about.me/lorieen.henry
Blogger: http://lorieenhenry.blogspot.com
Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/lorieenhenry
AUTHORSdb: http://authorsdb.com/authors-directory/1706-lorieen-d-henry
Indaindex: http://indaindex.com/book-bio-there-is-a-miracle-in-21-god-completes-by-lorieen-d-henry/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/lorieenhenry
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Thank you for having me on your blog. God bless.
Love your marriage advice 😉 and your writing process. God bless!
Thank you Dana. God bless.
As always Lorieen, I love to read what you have to say.
Blessings to you!