Marty Dandridge Olson is ready to leave behind the pain of the past.
Answering an advertisement for a “Lone Star bride,” she leaves her Texas ranch and heads to Denver to marry a man she doesn’t know.
Jake Wythe is the man waiting for her….Burned by love, he marries now simply to satisfy the board of Morgan Bank, which believes a man of his standing in society should be wed. Together Jake and Marty agree they are done with romance and love and will make this nothing more than a marriage of convenience.
When missing money and a collapsing economy threaten his job, Jake’s yearning to return to ranching grows ever stronger, much to Marty’s dismay. But a fondness has grown between them, as well, further complicating matters.
What will happen when their relationship shifts in unexpected ways…
and dreams and secrets collide?
A fun story with a bit of seriousness, Tracie L. Peterson certainly can write a great tale of excitement, drama, romantic mystery, and shadowy incidents, mixed with dreams of being somewhere else in time and geography. There is an old adage of “be careful for what one wishes for” throughout the message of this book.
Widowed and childless Marty Olson wanted to escape from memories of tragically losing her beloved husband, and leave Texas forever where she owns and lives on a ranch. Jake Wythe, a Denver banker, singed around the edges one last time from romance, places a newspaper ad for a Texas woman to marry in name only. Jake is in need of a wife to satisfy the bank board members determined notion that his promotion puts him in a higher level of Denver society. Marty answers the ad on complete acceptance of Jake’s terms. Unknown to Marty, Jake, a native Texan longs to return to the Lone Star state and run a ranch.
Marty is quite adept at telling little fibs that create larger problems that spin into a web of hurt and misunderstanding for loved ones and new friends. She does not tell her sister and family the truth about going to Colorado – only that she plans to visit friends. This time, a lie of omission. Shades of Annie Oakley! Marty takes a stage coach into Denver and becomes a pistol-packing damsel to save the lives of the passengers and drivers from a stage robbery. Our heroine soon becomes the talk and news sensation of Denver and awes the society she has joined as Mrs. Jacob Wythe. The character quality in Marty’s habit was disturbing to me, however I surmised Ms. Peterson had sensible reasons for this flaw. We will find Marty’s redeeming qualities in other area of her character concerning orphans.
Much is going on with the newlyweds – will love blossom now that Marty and Jake are secretly attracted to one another? How does Marty, married to a rich banker, handle being included with society wives and living a lie as a new bride? Is Jake suspected as being part of the scheme of missing funds at the bank? The stories developing around the household servants are entertaining and humor provoking. It seems the only real friend Marty has in Denver is Alice, her lady’s maid. But, what does Alice have to do with information about the missing funds? Why was she attacked to be robbed of something she knew nothing about?
The plot continues to thicken. Marty becomes anguished over Jake’s intentions of returning to Texas and how she can keep the truth of her ranch from him. We learn throughout the story that God is in control. The truth will out, but what happens? There are some loose ends in the story, however I believe there is purpose in this gifted writers tactics. Ms. Tracie Peterson has successfully written many books, of which The Sensible Arrangement is my first read. You have made an impression on my reading tastes, Ms. Peterson, I anticipate reading the next book in this series as well as the many others you have written. Your faith in our heavenly Father and His love for you brightly shine through your pen hand. You are indeed blessed.
A complimentary copy of this book was provided for review.