by Russell Sherrard
Book Spotlight
Killer Video Conversions
Turn Viewers Into Do-ers!
by Russell Sherrard

“Turn Viewers Into Do-ers!”
“Discover The 7 Brutally Effective, Secret Video Techniques That Literally Force Viewers Away From YouTube And Straight To Your Website……Time After Time!”
Here’s what else you’ll discover:
How To Correctly Craft Your Title: It stands to reason…You won’t get any visitors if nobody watches your video. Copy the psychological strings I pull to suck people in…fast (page 9)
Don’t Fight _____ ______, How To Use It Your Advantage: One of the simplest, yet brutally effective ways to increase your conversions is to make your visitors ______! (page 11)
A Criminally Under-Used, Yet Strikingly Powerful Technique: Force viewers to your website…easily…by stealing this method, dating back to the silent picture era (page 12)
3 Reasons Why ‘Watermarking’ Your Videos Isn’t As Effective As You Might Think, And What You Can Do About It: Willie Crawford called this ‘Brilliant’ when he saw it… (page 13)
Using _________ Gets Eyeballs. Lots Of Them: Apart from a slideshow of semi-naked Swedish models, this is just about the quickest way to get people talking about your videos! (page 14)
Why You Should ______ The ______ From More Popular Videos: This is a no-brainer. Don’t even think about uploading a video until you do this (page 16)
I Even Talk About Some White & Grey-Hat Ways To Improve Your Traffic: Do they pass the test? (page 20)
This 22 page PDF ebook comes with Master Resell Rights.
Retail Price: $27.00
Our Price: $1.00