[Interviewer watches as a very proud turkey enters into the room. She smiles as he struts across the floor puffing up his feathers. She tries to keep from laughing at the idea that she is actually going to be interviewing a bird.]
Interviewer: Today, we have Wilbur, the turkey, from the book The Turkeys are Coming. Hello, Wilbur. It’s great to finally meet you. I’ve heard great things about you.
Wilbur: Gobble, gobble. It’s great to be here. Gobble.
Interviewer: Can you tell us a little about your story?
Wilbur: Of course. Gobble, gobble. In the story, I play the part of a turkey who gets fed up with his flock being hunted every year. I come up with a plan to fight back.
Interviewer: [looking down at her notes] I see. I can certainly understand why you would get fed up with something like that. However, don’t you think there is a better way to stand up for your family besides fighting?
Wilbur: Of course. Physical violence is never the answer to anything.
Interviewer: I totally agree. What is your favorite part of the story?
Wilbur: Gobble, gobble. Let me think. I guess, the best part of the book would be when my flock came together to stand up against the man.
[Wilbur looks around the room.]
Interviewer: Who is your favorite character in the book?
Wilbur: It would be arrogant of me to choose myself. [Wilbur laughs]That would be a little biased, don’t you think? So aside from myself, I would have to say Bob.
[Interviewer chuckles to herself]
Interviewer: Bob? Why did you choose him?
Wilbur: Bob is somewhat of a comedy relief. He is so hilarious. At the most unusual times, when you least expect it Bob will do something that will leave you laughing. He does a lot to cheer us up in different ways and half the time Bob doesn’t even realize he’s doing it.
Interviewer: What would you say to the kids who read your story?
Wilbur: Gobble. Gobble, gobble. I’d say always stand up for what is right. Fighting is wrong and should never be used to fix a problem. However, I am not saying that one should not defend theirself if ever attacked.
Interviewer: That’s some good advice to remember, Wilbur. Is there anything else that you would like to say to your readers?
Wilbur: The Turkeys are Coming is a lesson taught using a hilarious technique where you don’t even realize you are being taught anything. The Turkeys are Coming takes place during turkey hunting season and is basically the man (hunters and the women working at the hunting lodge) versus us turkeys. It is not only a lesson about survival but a lesson showing that if we trust God fully, He can handle and work out any situation. My author, Pam Funke, did an amazing job telling my story. She also has some other books out as well. You should check her out sometime.
Interviewer: I shall have to do just that. Well, thank you Wilbur for joining me today. It has been an interesting experience.
Wilbur: Gobble. Gobble, gobble. It has been my pleasure. See you around.
[Wilbur gets up and shakes the interviewer’s hand which feels a little weird in his wing. He gives her a wink before leaving.]
Interviewer: If you would like to learn more about The Turkeys are Coming or other books by Author Pam Funke, check out the information below.
blurb: Five ladies. One angry turkey. One adventure that’s sure to leave you laughing. It’s turkey hunting season and the turkeys have had enough. Wilbur, the alpha male, blames the workers of the hunting lodge for the hunting of his fellow turkeys. He gathers together a band of turkeys to enact his revenge against the lodge. Will they succeed in their mission against the hunting lodge? What will the workers do?
About the Author and Links:
I am the proud grand-daughter of a pastor and have spent the majority of my life in the church. I am a Christian author who enjoys writing many different things. My love of reading and writing led me to write for the enjoyment of others.
Why did I choose Christian novels? Well, mainly because there are hardly any Christian novels out there anymore and the books that are filling the shelves and homes of adults, young adults, teens and children are not feeding their minds or souls with positive things. Now mind you there are some very good non-Christian novels out there that instill a positive message.There has to be something in a good book that not only feeds the mind with positive values and teaches the reader how to improve their life and give them some hope, then what’s the point? A good book should have a lesson in it that someone can learn something valuable from it and not just an escape away from their problems in the real world~ because when the story is over the real world is still there and so are their problems. They should be able to come out of that story with something positive that they can use to help them in the real world.
The Turkeys are Coming
Five ladies. One angry turkey. One adventure that’s sure to leave you laughing. It’s turkey hunting season and the turkeys have had enough. Wilbur, the alpha male, blames the workers of the hunting lodge for the hunting of his fellow turkeys. He gathers together a band of turkeys to enact his revenge.
Author Pam Funke
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The latest Tweets from Author Pam Funke (@4HorsemenSeries). Thought provoking #Christian #fiction at its finest. There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear. 1 John 4:13. United States