Featured Book of the Week from Christian Nonfiction Book Store: Interactive Romans Road American Standard Version 11/4/2020

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Featured Book of the Week

Interactive Romans Road

American Standard Version

by Russell Sherrard


Interactive Romans Road American Standard Version
Interactive Romans Road American Standard Version

Long Ago, when the Roman Empire was at the height of its glory, a common saying was “All Roads Lead to Rome.” I want to tell you about a very special road — a road that existed then and still exists now. This road, now almost 2,000 years old, has never led to Rome. Yet, strangely enough, it is called the Romans Road.

This takes the reader to selected passages in the Book of Romans in the Bible to explain the plan of Salvation. This is the ideal way to share the gospel using your Kindle. The reader can also read the entire book of Romans un-interrupted.

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FREE eBook Interactive Romans Road American Standard Version This is the ideal and easy way to share the gospel using your Kindle http://bit.ly/2xvdXNY #free

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