Books from $0.99 and UP. Categories include Bibles; Bible Study Guides; Biographies; Commentaries; Counseling; Devotionals; Disabilities; Evangelism; Homeschool; Marriage by Russell Sherrard @sherrardsebooks & Other Authors
Featured Book of the Week
How to Prepare, Launch, and Run a Successful KDPSelect Free-Day Campaign

Are you considering putting your ebook for free through Amazon’s KDPSelect program? Then you need this guide!
The Indie Author’s Ultimate Guide to KDP Select Free-Day Campaign will walk you through how to set up and run the same “Kitchen Sink” strategy that netted the author the #1 Top 100 Free spot for 36 hours, bringing in 47,000 downloads in the first two days. After those first two days, that book went to #1 on four Amazon best seller’s lists and stayed their for a month!
Find out how!
Spurgeon’s Morning and Evening Devotionals Podcast – Listen live at 6am Pacific and 6pm Pacific. Visit http://anchor.fm/russell-sherrard any other time to listen to all of our episodes. Now on EDIFI.APP. Download at GooglePlay or AppleStore to start listening.
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