October 21, 2021
Trust, enjoy, and depend. As another translation states: trust, delight, and commit. Three actions of the heart and mind that serve the believer well in trying and tumultuous times.
As I sit in prayer and sharing of this devotion from my home in Orange County, California, we are under state “stay at home orders” (again) as Los Angeles County. The state has become the epicenter of Covid-19. Hospitals are full. There are no ICU beds. Ambulances have waited up to six hours for admission. At least one patient died while waiting in an ambulance. Tents are being set up in parking lots. Hospital employees are overworked and understaffed. Talk of rationing care is more and more. Young children are being orphaned, losing both parents to the disease.
Each day brings news of someone you know with COVID-19. Symptoms can range from nothing to mild to excruciating and, occasionally, comes the news of the death of a friend or acquaintance. On top of all that, there are the stresses of economic chaos and polarizing politics.
And yet, God is good. He is still on the throne. He sees it all. He is in control. In our verse for today, David reminds us that evildoers should not upset us. We must remember their day with the Lord will come, their evil will be exposed, and their end will come. Rather than being upset we are to trust in the Lord.
In John 16, Jesus speaks to the disciples of His pending ascension and concludes saying in 16:33, “These things I have spoken unto you, that in Me you might have peace. In the world you shall have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” These are such words of comfort and strength to live by. All trouble, trials, and tribulations in the world are turned to joy because the believer has the result. Jesus has conquered sin and death to give us victory over the world. We trust in what God has already done for us. So, trust and continue to do well as unto the Lord, not hiding away, and the promise is the Lord will take care of you.
In such trust, we are also to enjoy and delight in doing good. We should continue and constantly fight the good fight of faith, enjoying it all in the promise of victory. Attitudes of defeat, self-loathing, and self-pity will never bring us into a place of peace and rest in our relationship with God. But with attitudes of joy as we serve, we will get answers to prayers and praises for the life of grace and mercy we have.
Finally, we are exhorted to depend on the Lord. The idea is committing our ways to the Lord. It’s not about us, our abilities, our wants, our desires, our rights, or our happiness. It’s about surrendering and sacrificing to the Lord’s way for our lives. It is much better to give God control of our lives and paths of life. Such is the way of “all things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to His purpose.”
Beloved friends, whatever your circumstance, in whatever part of the world you reside, don’t be upset or angry. Rather trust in Him and His ways. Enjoy the ride serving God and doing well, and depend on Him to lead the way and direct your path.
May the Lord immerse you in much peace and rest as we wait up Him.
By Pastor David Massie, Bible League International Staff, California, U.S.
Inspirational Image of the Day