April 29th, 2021
For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. – Romans 6:23 ESV
While wading through mountainous piles of laundry, I inspected a pair of blue jeans that had definitely seen better days. They were entirely threadbare, the knees hung open with gaping holes. The hems were ragged from dragging the ground. As I decided to throw them away, I remembered hearing a story from a missionary who had returned from an impoverished nation in Southeast Asia.
He said that the children of Bangladesh are enamored with Americans. They believe that all Americans are worthy of cinematic grandeur; that everyone here lives a fantasy life. In Bangladesh, the average monthly wage will hardly buy a fast-food lunch in the United States, so anything “made in America” is exceedingly valuable. He said that a pair of old, worn blue jeans could sell for an entire year’s income. Why? Because that’s how much someone was willing pay for them.
I saw a notice in Anytime Fitness reading “Lost Ring: $1,000 Reward.” The notice explained that the ring had been left in the ladies’ locker room, and that the stone wasn’t genuine. It was the owner’s grandmother’s engagement ring. Most likely, a comparable ring would only retail for tiny fraction of the reward money, so why was such a figure offered? Because of sentimental reasons. That’s how much the owner was willing to pay for its return.
Especially after a significant failure or rejection, we tend to feel pretty worthless. Sometimes following a sub-par performance at the office, a lost argument with a neighbor, or a nasty fight with an angry spouse, the enemy capitalizes on our fragile emotions and attempts to destroy our self-esteem. When the world says that we’re meaningless or expendable, consider for a moment what the King of glory thinks about us! He values us so much that He became human, endured excruciating torture and sacrificed His very life for our salvation. The value of anything is determined exactly by how much someone is willing to pay!
John 3:16 says “For God so loved the world that he gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” Jesus Christ paid everything He had. According to our Heavenly Father, we’re priceless! Rejoice, and know that you are valued beyond comprehension.
By Steven Hicks, Bible League International staff, Alabama, U.S.
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