May 19th, 2022
The first paragraph of John’s Gospel will never be easy for me to comprehend, I must confess. Today’s verse speaks about a reality so tremendously big that I will never be able to wrap my head around it. It echoes the beginning of Genesis, the beginning of all we know. In the empty darkness, God spoke.
I once heard a story about a Jewish rabbi who wept each time he read the first verses of Genesis. Why? He said, “The Eternal One could have chosen to remain silent. However, He chose to speak.” We serve a God who speaks. Moreover, we serve a God whose Word called everything we know into existence. How could I ever fathom that?
John teaches us that the Word, that was there in the beginning, was Christ. Christ, both Son of God and Son of Man. The very power that created the universe, got concentrated in a human body. That incredible creative force walked and talked just like we do. Thus, it opened the way for us to become a new creation. Christ’s birth as a humble baby was the condition for us to be born-again.
Nicodemus, an important teacher of Israel, couldn’t understand it. I don’t understand it, either. Yet, I believe it! I believe I am a new creation, not fit for this world anymore, but being prepared for eternal life. I know so, because God also chose to give His Word to us. That creative power dwells on the pages of the Bible. It is grace and love in its purest form. It contains the words of eternal life.
Today, take time to ponder that miracle. Stand in awe as you meditate on the living Word who came to save us. Never take that for granted!
Inspirational Image of the Day