May 20th, 2021
Christians face all sorts of trials, troubles, and tribulations in life. Satan is our enemy and he is trying to defeat us. Romans 8:38 lists some of the things he uses in his quest to accomplish his goal: tribulation, distress, persecution, famine, nakedness, danger, and sword. Paul quotes Psalm 44:22 to show how desperate the situation can become, “For your sake we are being killed all the day long; we are regarded as sheep to be slaughtered” (Romans 8:36).
Despite all these things, in our verse for today Paul says that we are “more than conquerors.” What does it mean to be more than a conqueror? A conqueror is someone who defeats and overcomes an enemy. Someone who is more than a conqueror is someone who achieves more than an ordinary victory; it is someone who achieves an extraordinary and overwhelming victory. Paul is saying that this is the kind of victory we achieve over Satan.
How can this be?
First, we are more than conquerors because we achieve overwhelming victory in the here and now. There are all sorts of examples from the Bible of the people of God overcoming the attacks of the enemy. For example, when King Jehoshaphat and the people of Judah were attacked by a great multitude, he prayed, and God gave them an overwhelming victory without even having to fight the battle (2 Chronicles 20).
Second, we are more than conquerors because we achieve overwhelming victory even when Satan appears to have won a battle. This is because there is nothing that can happen to us that is not permitted and used by God for our good. Romans 8:28 says, “for those who love God all things work together for good.”
Finally, we are more than conquerors because we achieve overwhelming victory in the next life. Although Satan may cause all sorts of trouble in this life, he has no control over what happens to us in the next life. Indeed, his ultimate destiny is the lake of fire and sulfur (Revelation 20:10).
Paul tells us that because we are more than conquerors nothing, not even death itself, “will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 8:39).
Take heart today, for we are more than conquerors. We can’t lose for winning.
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