September 23, 2021
Perhaps in high school you experienced the feeling of flirting with someone from across the room. The butterflies that rush through your body when your eyes catch the other person staring at you are almost visible. Maybe you winked or shyly smiled. Even though the new emotions flooding your senses feel very real and very close, the extent of your relationship with that person is distant! Flirtation has produced liking, but love is far from the equation.
Many people spend their life flirting with God from across the room without ever truly getting close and falling in love with Him. Jesus wants us to be so in love that we are married to Him. He wants us to love Him more than the stuff He has given us.
As He asked Peter and He asks us, “Do you love Me more than these?” Do you love Him more than your passions, career, gadgets, and possessions? Have you ever had a relapse when you walked away from God to your former lifestyle? In that moment, did you respond like the prodigal son and come back to your first love? The question remains, do you love God more?
Along the same line, do you love Him more than the things He does for you?
We love seeing God do big miracles, and we love knowing we are saved, but do we love God more than the things He does? Today examine your relationship with God and determine if you are truly in love with Him or if you’re merely flirting with Him from across the room. Can I encourage the flirters to get the courage to take your relationship to the next level? The answer can be a big YES! He wants to be with you.
By Pastor Leroy Childress, Bible League International partner, Illinois, U.S.
Inspirational Image of the Day