Verse of the Day and Devotional 9/8/2022

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Verse of the Day

September 8th, 2022


For God, who said, ‘Let light shine out of darkness,’ has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. – 2 Corinthians 4:6 ESV


At a point in eternity past, Creator God said, “Let there be light,” (Genesis 1:3) and the darkness surrounding the world was pierced with the blaze of light that, at first glistened on top of the waves of a watery surface, but in time penetrated the very crevices of its land masses. We are told of this in Scripture, and in the process, we give ready assent, but if we could have seen the event take place, we would have stood in amazement and awe at the creative majesty of God. And now, light is taken for granted, and we grumble and yearn for it on dark and gloomy days.

The apostle Paul continually reminds the church through his letters that mankind’s heart was plunged into a darkness so deep that, left in that condition, there is no way of understanding who God is, or what God is like (2 Corinthians 4:4). Not until the “light of the gospel of the glory of Christ” is revealed to us, can we see the very image of God!

Christians, we, who have seen the Christ through Scripture, the very image of God Himself, we should be glad! We should be rejoicing, for at a point in human history God again pierced the universe from His throne in the heavenlies with a light that enters into the darkness of the soul and illuminates us to see and know Him for all of eternity. Our knowledge of God is not dependent upon our comprehension of exactly how that light came, only to believe He has come for us! “Unto us a child is born! To us a son is given” (Isaiah 9:6). His coming gives us the opportunity to walk in the “light of life” (John 8:12) and avoid stumbling in the darkness of our soul which leads to a wasted life and tragic eternity.

This Christmas season, take time to earnestly gaze into the face of Jesus as we see Him revealed in Scripture. Honestly allow the “light of the world” to penetrate your heart, revealing both the dark crevices of sin that need to be rooted from our souls, but also the “fruit” where spiritual light has cultivated growth for His glory. This is really the essential opportunity on the top of our to-do list this season.

By Bill Niblette, Ph.D., Bible League Staff, Pennsylvania

Inspirational Image of the Day

Thursday Image
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