Our interview today is with Rev. Allen Smith. Thanks for being here today Allen and for doing this interview.
Answer: I have been in the ministry now for 47 years. During that time I wrote and published several newsletters. I have also written articles for several national Christian magazines. In addition, I published a Southern Gospel news magazine for 16 years. I was president of a mid-western Bible college & seminary for 3 years. During that time, I wrote & published 9 different Syllabi for them.
Question: Tell us a little about your “real” (Non-writing) life — family, job, church life. Does it give you inspiration for your writing? Does it get in the way of your writing, or are there times when you get help, from people or circumstances?
Answer: On November 4, I turned 51 years old. I am married, and I have 2 grown daughters who are also married with their own children. I have 1 great-grand-daughter. I have been disabled since 2007. This does give me plenty of time to work on my books. Since I have been in he ministry so long, I have plenty of material to draw from, such as message and study notes. My like as a Christian, and a minister give me all of the inspiration I need for writing. All of the proceeds from my books go into missionary work, so that is as an added inspiration for me. My entire family supports and encourages me. My wife also helps me. She was raised on the mission field in Brazil, and knows Portuguese fluently. She is in the process of translating all of my books into Portuguese. One has already been interpreted, and is currently available on Amazon.com. The books name is “Why? – Answering Questions About The Crucifixion”. In Portuguese, it is: “PORQUÊ? – Respondendo perguntas sobre a crucificação
Answer: First of all, I love and enjoy serving God, and working or Him. I enjoy my family, and have great satisfaction when ever I am around them. I have two daughters, who are married and have children of their own. I have 1 grand-daughter, and 6 grand-sons and 1 great-grand-daughter. I spend as much time with my family as I can. I enjoy reading and Bible study. I also do a lot of research on Bible subjects, as well as for my books.
Question: Tell us about working with any people who help you create your books — Do you use Betaeral national Chrisianreaders? Hire an editor or proofreader? How do you get your covers?
Answer: My wife helps me out with all of my books. I am always bouncing things off of her, to get her opinion. She also translates my books into Brazilian Portuguese. My proofreading is also done by my wife, except my last book, “The Sacrifice” also had a professional proof-reader. As far as my covers, I do them myself. I have a background in desktop publishing, and printing. This has given me the knowledge I need to design my own covers.
Question: Since you have several books out, tell us what you think works for promotion. What are your thoughts on ebooks versus print books and different ways to let people know about you and your books?
Answer: I love promotion, it’s like giving myself a shot of adrenaline. It is so complicated in this day and age we live in. As far as answering what works, the answer is all of it. I have only been doing this since June of 2013. I have done a lot of research, and I am slowly implementing all the different forms of promotion. I must be doing something right, for all of my books have reached best seller status. I just finished a promotion on my devotional, “One Day At A Time”, and it exceeded all of my expectations. In the next few months, I will write a book sharing all I have learned on marketing and promotion.
My favorite way of letting people know about my books is reviews. That is word of mouth advertising, and there is nothing like word of mouth advertising. It is hard to get reviews, but it is well worth the effort.
Question: Have you done anything writing-related, but besides your books, that seemed to get a lot of positive response? Something that encouraged you?
Answer: I have been a writer for many years. I have written newsletters since high school. I have written articles for several national Christian magazines. Finally, I published a national Southern Gospel music magazine for 16 years. All of this has culminated in what I am now doing.
Question: Tell us about your newest book. Make us want to read it.
Answer: My newest book is title “The Sacrifice – The Only Way To God. It basically looks at the last few days of the life of Jesus Christ upon the earth. It goes into minute detail about what happened to Him. But, that is not where it starts. It actually goes into detail about God’s plan for the ages, and why that plan had to take place, including why Jesus had to die on the cross. It goes into God’s total redemption plan.
Answer: The main thrust of my work is to lead people to Jesus Christ who do not know Him. To help those who know Him to grow closer to Him, and stronger in Him. When it comes to my secular works, like the one I am currently working on, it is simply to provide needed information, in order to help them do the best they can do with what they are working on.
Question: Tell us one place you visited or person you met, that made a big impression on you, and why.
Answer: In 1974, I went on a short term missionary trip to the tiny country of Haiti. That was a turning point in my life. Not only was I made aware of the spiritual need in other countries, but the physical needs also. Since that trip, I have encouraged every minister that I can, to take a short term missionary trip.
Question: Tell us one place you want to visit, or person you want to meet, and why.
Answer: I would love to go to the land of Israel, and be able to walk in the land where my Saviour walked. If I could go back in time, I would like to meet Abraham Lincoln. I was raised just a few miles from where his parents had lived.
Question: Share something that’s amazing, touching, or that makes you angry.
Answer: The most amazing thing I know of is the way a person changes, when the actually come into a true relationship with Jesus Christ.
Question: What’s the worst trouble you ever had with getting a book written (plots, finding needed information, getting a cover done)?
Answer: The worst trouble I have ever had is with the book I am presently working on. I have so much information to share, and coming up with the way I want it to go together is really a chore. Once I get that down, the writing will be very easy.
Question: What’s your next project? Tell us so we can’t wait for it to come out!
Answer: I have several projects on the back burner. That is, they are working in my mind. The book I am actually working on, is about formatting a book for Kindle using Microsoft Word. When I started this a few months ago, a ended up getting a lot of books, to research how to format and publish my first book. I found out quickly that a lot of the books available were nothing but fluff. Some actually contained a little bit of usable information. All in all, it took information from several books, to come up with the product I wanted my books to be. I am now compiling everything I have learned, into a book that anyone can sit down with and come up with a very nice looking finished product, while working on their own book. It’s good to have a great idea for a book, but the presentation of that book makes the difference in whether it will sell or not.
Question: How many books do you have out?
Answer: At this time, I have 3 Kindle edition books, and 1 paperback book.
Question: What are your future projects?
Answer: Well, of course the one I am working on, which I have already discussed. I will write a sequel to it which will discuss marketing books. I am researching publishing messages by the greatest evangelist of the 19th century, D.L. Moody. I am also doing research on the 12 disciples, their ministries, and their deaths.
Question: What is your favorite book/character?
Answer: I would have to say that my favorite book is the Bible. My favorite person in the Bible is the Apostle Paul.
Question: What is your writing style?
Answer: I really haven’t figured that one out yet. I have only been doing this for 17 months. Once I get things figured out in my mind, about a book, I simply pray about it; then I sit down and start writing.
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