It seemed a normal spring morning in Savannah until Jonathan Rayburn heard an angelic voice on Monterey Square. Within moments of setting eyes upon the exceptionally beautiful Keri McGuire, he welcomed her to his beloved city and into his heart. In the days ahead, his faith is severely tested because of one homeless man and a civil lawsuit. Daniel Stanton, a busy attorney in St. Augustine, arrived at Mrs. Quinn’s home, questioning why his father’s client has requested his legal advice. One portrait upstairs caught his attention; one nearly identical portrait in the music room captured his wishful thoughts. Never in his life had he been so disappointed when he actually met the granddaughter from Milwaukee. While Laura Martin challenged his ethics, he prayed to be a man of conviction.
It was a surprise to me that more reviews hadn’t been written on this beautifully composed story about Springtime in Savannah by Gail Warner. Truly, this story does not stand alone – but of several stories skillfully intertwined to keep the reader drawn in. Each story has the possibility of being complete as one – but to include so many well defined characters, each with different personalities and problems, was done with proficient cleverness by Ms. Warner.
The author went deep into research on the history of Savannah, as well as interesting facts that I would never have known without reading this novel. At times, I felt I was reading a travelogue which made the scenery in my mind vivid through the color of illustrious scripting. The story is lengthy – and never boring.
What can I say about this story that wouldn’t add spoilers to future readers? My heart was warmed by the conversions to faith in Jesus. Some of the characters were idiosyncratic and unlikeable. I fell in love with those characters that were fun in spite of themselves. My compassion lay with the emotionally and physically abused with admiration for their passion to change their lives through Christ. The love interests were enthralling and romantic. Budding romance was proven unpredictable in the length of time and adversities the couples faced. I sensed this author was emotionally involved with her characters, as I also felt. Her characters and situations were so real that I found myself praying for those in the story that continued to sin and live evilly. It felt silly to pray – Gail had already decided their outcome! Will there be hope for these individuals in Gail’s story? You’ll be amazed as you watch God working in the lives of all under the pen of Gail Warner.
Ms Warner shows herself a person of deep faith in God; in tune with reality of our world today and historically, and that she is intelligent and capable of sculpting words with such an inspiring touch. Gail is an accomplished author that I will follow and look forward to her future publications. Whew, I got through this review without spoilers….so if you want to meet the characters, learn the answers, take a guided tour of Savannah – history included – you’ll need to get you own copy!
Gail Warner’s parents joined the family of God five years before she was born, and they faithfully attended a large rural Nazarene Church named Richfield, near Flint, Michigan. For thirty-five years, Gail’s varied roles as a minister’s wife brought her great fulfillment and opportunities to witness for Christ. With fond memories, she recalls the years in a parsonage setting, where she and her husband, Richard, raised three outstanding daughters. Gail finds joy in traveling with their family, singing in a quartet, working in her flower garden, participating in Beth Moore Bible studies, and connecting with friends on Facebook. Though she is a five-time cancer survivor, she thanks God for giving her good health. Gail lives with her husband in Illinois, but because of Eugenia Price’s novels, she has a love for historical places.
SPRINGTIME IN SAVANNAH GROUP PAGE – https://www.facebook.com/groups/SpringtimeinSavannah/